
Name Paul London
Age 28
Height 5' 10" (178 cm)
Eye Color Brown - Dark
Hair Color Black
Date of Birth April 16, 1980
Birthplace Austin, Texas, USA
Star Sign Aries
Occupation Wrestling

Paul Sanchez-Garcia London (born April 16, 1980) is an American professional wrestler. He is best known for his time with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).

After being trained at the Texas Wrestling Academy, London began competing for Ring of Honor, where although he never won a title, began popular amongst the fans due to his high risk offensive moves. He later competed for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE, and various independent promotions, winning numerous championships and won the ECWA Super 8 Tournament in 2003.

London made his debut in WWE in late 2003, and immediately began teaming with fellow cruiserweight Spanky, (Brian Kendrick). After Kendrick briefly left WWE, London formed a tag team with Billy Kidman, and together they won the WWE Tag Team Championship. After their split, London began competing in the cruiserweight division, and won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. In late 2006, Kendrick returned, and the two reformed as a team. London and Kendrick were previously managed by former WWE Diva, Ashley Massaro, who London has previously dated. The team split when Kendrick was drafted to the SmackDown brand in June 2008, and London was released later that year.

In WWE, London is a former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, World Tag Team Champion, and two-time WWE Tag Team Champion. During his second reign as WWE Tag Team champion, London and his partner, Brian Kendrick, became the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions since the title's creation